KAIPALAOA RACE - January 28th
The Kaipalaoa Race drew a huge field to Hilo on a cloudy breezy day. Sixty eight boats competed on the ~8.5 mile long course. Jose Lizardi was the first overall finisher. Ramona Crivello was the first woman finisher in a single. Troy Parker-Bailey and Keahi Warfield were the first to finish in a double. Sixty five boats competed on the ~ 5 mile short course. Lorin Sellars and Nick Shand were the first finishers in an OC-2. John Rodrigues was the first men's finisher. Lora Sakai was the first woman in a single. The impressive group of junior va'a paddlers included Ali'i Youderian, Levi Farinas, Kamahoa Kaawaloa-Okita, Eha Kiyuna, Niau Paulos, Tyler O'Brien, Nahiena Kekuawela, Pakelakahiki Kaaua, Cother-McKeague La’a, and Wai`olukea Publico on the long course and Kamaehu Grant, Lehuahoaka Olson, Kody Uyemura-Iga, Douglas Gora, Reid Okazaki, Talan Nicolas, Zoey Ah Yo, Kaiwiula Baker, Kamaka Makaimoku, Israel Yung, Keolakai Makaimoku, Zoe Aoki, Tatiana Dunhour, Malia Simram, Brooke Uyeshiro, Kiliohu Grant, and Manōali’i Publico on the short course. Kwai-Chang Publico and his crew of volunteers sponsored a great race that will be remembered a long time.